Choices, choices, choices

Christianity is a choice, we choose to be Christians. However, like many things in life, it is not a one-time choice. We choose to be a Christian every day. It is not uncommon to think the opposite, that you choose to be a Christian one time when you are saved and that’s it.

The Bible is actually an example of how the Jewish people had the choice, repeatedly to choose God. This is true from the beginning, Adam and Eve had the choice of God or their own wisdom. They chose to be disobedient to God even though they spent time with God, actually seeing Him. As you read through the stories of Abraham to Jacob, the Judges to Saul and David, and the later kings of Judah and Israel it is a series of times where the people chose God for a time and then rebelled and chose something other than God.

In reading through the New Testament, the concept of choice remains. The disciples choose to follow Jesus. When nearly all of the followers leave Jesus, the twelve disciples remain. After the resurrection and 500 people are with Jesus and told by Him to go to Jerusalem and wait for the Holy Spirit only 120 chose to go and wait. As we read about the disciples in the Book of Acts we read where they repeatedly chose to follow God even when faced with prison, beatings, and death.  

In our lives we think that we make a choice once for many things but the reality we make the same choice repeatedly. We choose to go to work or school each day or not to go. Even more basic, we choose to get out of bed each day. Our relationships with people are no different. You do not choose your spouse once when you started dating, or a second time when you got engaged or even a third time when you said “I do” on your wedding day. But, you choose your spouse each and every day. You choose to remain married and committed to them. It is a daily choice.

As Christians, we are the bride of Christ. So, it is no surprise that we have to choose Jesus each and every day. Jesus chose us when He came as a man born to a virgin. Scripture teaches that Jesus was tempted in every way, yet He chose to follow the will of the Father and in turn, continued to choose us. We were the joy set before Him when he faced the cross. He chose us, He chose to do what He came to do and redeem us, and those that believe in him, by faith become right with God again. Scripture teaches that Jesus is seated at the right side of the Father, continually interceding on our behalf. Jesus then is continually choosing us. 

Choosing to be a Christian, involves not simply accepting Jesus as your savior, but choosing to follow Him. Just as Jesus continually chooses us, we need to continually choose Him in our daily lives. From the time we wake up, till when we lay our head on the pillow at night, the choice is constant. The path is narrow, we need to be sure to choose to stay on it. If you have not chosen to follow Jesus, please check out our Find the Light page for more information.


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