For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.
— Romans 14:17 (NIV)

Are you reconciled to God? Do you know Him personally?


Find new life in God, and how to begin the rest of your life and eternity with Him.


The answer to these questions will determine how you will spend the rest of your life and where you will spend eternity.


Learn about God’s plan of restoration of humanity to Himself and how to know Him personally.

Watch this video now:


Separation: closeness to God was broken by sin.

When God first created people—Adam and Eve—God walked with them and they knew Him and they were full of His life. They knew no evil and lived in a perfect world without fear, disease, or death. In God’s presence, they had everything they needed, including access to eternal life. However, thinking they could be wise and become like God, they disobeyed God. As a result, sin entered the world and sin entered humankind, breaking God’s close relationship with them and all people that would descend from them. The Bible says that “all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.” (Romans 3:23) This means that everyone has sinned and no one can ever be righteous or holy enough on their own merit to enter the holy presence of God. Sin is deceitful, leading people away from God and toward destruction. Sin has consequences and reaps death and eternal separation from God. Sin separates people from God in this lifetime and the eternal one to come. That’s the bad news. Thankfully, that’s not where the story ends.


God’s Plan: He sent his only son, Jesus.

Here’s the good news. God worked salvation through his own right arm, sending his Son Jesus to earth. Jesus was fully human and fully God, but Jesus set aside his divinity, or his inherent divine power, and instead chose to live his life as a human, yet filled with the Holy Spirit. For thirty-three years, Jesus lived a holy life completely without sin—something we could not do on our own—so that he could be the Passover Lamb for All Time, to step in our place and take our punishment and become the perfect sacrifice for our sins.

Reconciliation: Jesus is God’s bridge to you and all humanity.

Jesus was falsely accused, and while he did nothing wrong, he did not raise any defense. To pacify an angry mob, he was sentenced to death without a fair trial or presentation of any evidence of a crime or one deserving death. Jesus, however, could have used his divinity to avoid death, but he followed God’s plan and laid down his life willingly. He was viciously beaten nearly to death and then hung on a cross where he gave up his spirit and died. The devil thought he had won, but three days later, Jesus rose from the dead to a new glorified, eternal body, defeating the curse that sin had brought into the earth: death, hell and the grave. He rose in power and victory and now sits at the right hand of God praying for you to open your heart to God. Jesus overcame for you.


Simple belief in Jesus.

When Jesus died on the cross, all of our sin, guilt, shame and punishment was placed upon him. In exchange, Jesus offered us his righteousness and life as a free gift. But you must claim it. It’s through faith, or the simple belief in Jesus’s work on the cross, that you can be redeemed and saved from sin and eternal punishment. By accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior, you gain the right to enter into a close relationship with Him. Jesus blood will cleanse you from all unrighteousness and give you His righteousness. Clothed with Jesus’s righteousness, you enter into God’s presence and new life. You will become reconciled to God and have eternal life in Him. God will empower you by the Holy Spirit to live holy and in the fullness of everything He has planned for you.

God loves you more than you could ever imagine.

God wants to come and dwell inside you by his Holy Spirit. God wants to have fellowship with you, and for you to know Him like He has always known you. He has been eagerly waiting for this moment your entire life. He extends Himself to you. Will you reach out and say “yes” to God?

Do you want God and the eternal life He gives?


Receive Jesus today and be reconciled to God.

If you are serious about getting right with God, humble yourself and say this prayer of salvation out loud right now:


Dear Heavenly Father,

  • Thank you for sending your Son Jesus to give up his life and die for me.

  • Forgive me of all of my sins. Wash me, cleanse me, and take out my heart of stone.

  • Give me a new heart of flesh— full of the life and love of Jesus.

  • I turn away from my old way of life. I surrender my entire life and my will to you right now.

  • I place my future into your hands.

  • Lord, you said in the Bible that if I confess with my mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in my heart that God raised him from the dead that I shall be saved.

  • So right now, I confess with my mouth, Jesus is my Lord and my Savior, and I believe that God raised Jesus from the dead so that I can have his resurrection life.

  • Through my faith in Jesus, and the same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead, I now receive new spiritual life in Him.

  • Lord, fill me and seal me with your Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit, I welcome you into my life. Take charge.

  • Guide and teach me how to live holy and according to the Word.

  • Lord, I now have right standing with you and can come to you as a little child, without fear, to a loving God who cares for me.

  • I will follow you wherever you lead. I will do as you do and say what you say, as you lead me by your Spirit and your Word.

  • May I will follow you all the days of the rest of my life until that day when we meet face to face. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

If you said that prayer, congratulations and welcome to the body of Christ and the Kingdom of God, of which you now belong! Please contact us and let us know you prayed that prayer! We would love to connect with you and hear your testimony! We rejoice with you and want to give you some free resources to help guide you in taking these first steps with God!


What’s next?

Now your journey really begins! When you accept Christ as your Lord and Savior, you must nourish and grow this new spiritual life with the Word of God, the Bible. First, check out our Foundation in Jesus Series, a webpage and free short video series that will teach you what happens when you become a believer in Christ and how to move forward. After that, come back to our Discipleship page where we will help you grow as a disciple of Jesus and provide you with some free Bible study resources, teachings, such as how to read and interpret the Bible and how have a relationship with God, and guidance on how to form a fellowship/Bible study group.

We at Equip the Light are here to help you grow as a follower of Jesus!