“By his stripes you were healed.”

(1 Peter 2:24)

Jesus did everything he needed to do for your healing. Now you just need to receive what He’s already provided.

First, check out Julie’s video testimony of God healing her of an “incurable” autoimmune disease. Then watch this free video teaching series (below) on how to receive healing. We provide the main Scriptures to rely upon, as well as teach you how to position your heart to receive healing.

Healing is for you, today. Check out this free video teaching series now:

  • 1. Healing is for You, Today

    We learn what Jesus did to provide healing for us today. It’s our simple belief in Him with faith like a child that we can receive his healing power. Stay tuned to the end where I will pray for you to receive healing.

  • 2. You are a Child of God

    Jesus said that healing is the children’s bread. If it’s the children’s bread, and we can ask God to “give us our daily bread,” then that means healing is for every day. Here we start with the basics in positioning our hearts to receive healing: you are a child of God.

  • 3. Encountering God's Love

    In positioning our hearts to receive, we discuss who God is to us. I share my testimony of encountering the love of God. We discuss how our Heavenly Father loves us, and how knowing him gives us hope that He is our Healer and will take care of us.

  • 4. Healing in the Kingdom of God

    We learn whether it’s God’s will to heal today, the origin of all sickness and disease, and what Jesus commanded every believer to do in following Him. Living a supernatural life is going to be necessary to thrive in the times we are living in.

  • 5A. (1 of 2) Give us today our Daily Bread of Healing & Rest

    Healing is the children’s bread. We learn that every day, God not only provides us with everything we need, but has also provided us with divine health and healing as we enter and live in his rest and resist striving in the flesh.

  • 5B. (2 of 2) Jesus is Our Source of Life

    In Part 2, discussing Jesus as the Bread of Life, we discover how Jesus is the Source of Life, the Creator, Life Sustainer, and our daily spiritual bread. Stay tuned to the end where I discuss how our inheritance on this earth includes taking authority over DNA and even death itself.

  • 6. Matters of the Heart

    We take a careful look at the heart in the context of abiding in the Vine, Jesus in John 15. We want to have the right perspective on healing and how to do this Christian life as we follow the first and greatest command to "love God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength," the second, "to love your neighbor as yourself." (Mark 12:30-31)

  • 7. Healing in Forgiveness

    Everyday we check our hearts—not only to ask God to forgive us and cleanse our hearts from anything we’ve done to grieve Him—but to diligently forgive those who have sinned against us. Unforgiveness is a stronghold that needs to be broken so that healing can flow.
    ”Therefore repent and return, so that your sins may be wiped away, in order that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord.” (Acts 3:20)

  • 8. Temptation of Unbelief

    When doubt and unbelief creep in, your sickness may seem like a mountain. But the real mountain to overcome is the temptation to fall into the sin of unbelief and to step back instead of move forward in faith. We learn how to overcome the temptation of sin, doubt, and unbelief so that we can receive our healing and live a victorious life.

  • 9. Jesus Victory Banner

    Wrapping up the series, I review the steps to receiving healing and then I expound on how to gain and keep your healing through praise and worship. We discuss the strategic praise and worship in Jesus's triumphal entry, Joshua and Jericho, Gideon and the Midianites, Moses and the Amalekites, and Mary's anointing of Jesus with the alabaster jar of anointing oil. Learn how Jesus is your forever victory banner.

Email us your healing testimony

If you’ve received healing as a result of the healing teaching series, please email us and share your testimony of how God healed you. We’d love to hear from you.